What to do in case you hear civil protection signals?
Residents shall be warned about an imminent or actual emergency by using the following civil protection signals: sound warning signal “Attention (everyone)” and verbal warning signals such as:
“Chemical alert”;
“Radiation alert”;
“Catastrophic flooding”;
“Flood alert”;
“Hurricane alert”;
“Air alert”;
“Check of early warning system”.
Residents shall be warned and informed not only by turning on sirens, but also by using Cell Broadcast technology, when messages are sent to residents’ mobile phones.
In regards to the extent of the emergency, civil protection signal may be transmitted upon the decision of economic entities ad directors of municipal administrations. On a state level, the signal shall be declared by Fire and Rescue Department.
Attention (everyone) is a 3-minutes long pulsing sound warning signal by which residents shall be warned in the event of an imminent or actual threat, during check of early warning system or in case of the exercise.
If you hear this warning signal:
- turn on radio or television immediately;
- listen to the notification;
- follow the recommendations.
Radiation alert – verbal warning signal by which residents shall be warned in the event of an imminent or actual threat related to radioactive contamination in a certain territory.
When you hear it:
- listen to the notification;
- follow the recommendations;
- acquire stable iodine preparations, if there has been such an instruction;
- if you stay at home, tightly close windows, doors and air vents, cover chimneys, ventilation and other gaps. Cover doors with a thick cloth.
If you have to evacuate, do not forget taking:
- First aid kit and daily taken medication;
- Documents (passport/ID card, birth certificate and/or marriage certificate, diplomas and certificates, driving license, insurance, property deeds);
- Money, credit cards, securities and jewelry;
- Family mementos;
- Food and water supplies for 2-3 days;
- Clothes (considering the season);
- Toiletries;
- Personal protective measures;
- Portable radio, pocket torch with spare batteries, lighter.
Before leaving home:
- put on a respirator or cover your mouth with a cotton gauze bandage;
- shut off gas and water valves, turn off all electric devices;
- if you have livestock – pound them into a barn and tightly close the door;
- cover wells if you have any;
- do not touch things with your bare hands in the contaminated territory.
Chemical alert – verbal warning signal by which residents shall be warned in the event of an imminent or actual threat related to chemical contamination in a certain territory.
If you hear this signal while being outside:
- immediately leave the contaminated territory;
- follow recommendations by specialists of civil protection.
If you are at home:
- close doors, windows and air vents;
- cover chimneys, ventilation and other gaps;
- moisten towels or some cloths in order to cover up low part of the doors;
- tape windows and doors tightly;
- cover wells if you have any.
If you are going to evacuate:
- take documents, money, food and drinking water supplies for 2–3 days, needed medication;
- wear waterproof clothes and rubber boots;
- turn off electric devices and appliances, shut off water and gas valves;
- before leaving the premises, put on a respirator or cover your mouth with a cotton gauze bandage;
- go to the shelter or other premises indicated perpendicularly to the wind direction so that wind is blowing on your side, go through open terrains;
- avoid tall grass and thickset places;
- do not hide in lowlands, cellars and tunnels.
Catastrophic flooding – verbal warning signal by which residents shall be warned in the event of an imminent or actual threat related to catastrophic flooding due to potential accident at Kaunas hydroelectricity. This warning signal shall be declared in Kaunas city, districts of Kaunas, Šakiai, Jurbarkas and Šilutė.
If you hear this signal:
- listen to the notification;
- follow the recommendations carefully.
Flood alert – verbal warning signal by which residents shall be informed about flood risks caused by melting ice or intensive showers resulting in dangerously raised water levels.
If you hear this signal:
- take care of your property, home and livestock (pets);
- move things and furniture to higher locations;
- slush metal constructions of devices (mechanisms) with a suitable oil;
- be prepared with means of transport for swimming/flotation and rubber boots;
- provide yourself (and your household) with long-keeping food and water stocks for more than 10 days, medication, matches, candles, wood, mobile phone and its charger, portable radio with spare batteries.
In case you have to evacuate:
- before leaving home, shut off water and gas valves, also turn off electricity;
- take your documents, money, securities, jewelry, food and water, medication and other needed items;
- lock the doors and close (shut up) windows.
Hurricane alert –verbal warning signal by which residents shall be warned about an imminent hydrometeorological phenomena which may cause an emergency.
In case you have to evacuate:
- if you live a countryside and have livestock, take them into enclosed premises;
- close doors, windows, shutters of houses and barns, also fortify roofs of the buildings;
- turn off all electric devices and appliances and gas;
- avoid being close to windows or other parts made of glass;
- have portable radio for the newest updates;
- do not use a mobile phone during the storm;
- if you are outside, do not stand close to trees, power lines and display hoardings;
- if you are in a city, try to hide in stairwells of the buildings or use other covers.
Air alert – verbal warning signal by which residents shall be warned in case of hostile air attack threat.
If you hear this signal:
- listen to the notification and follow the recommendations;
- take medication, portable radio and toiletries if you go to the shelter;
- in case you stay at home, take protective measures: tape windows, close the curtains, bring your pets home and try to stay in the room without windows (if there is such).
Check of early warning system –verbalwarning signal by which residents shall be informed about check-up of warning system. This signal shall also be declared in case of an unauthorized siren activation.