What is important to know for residents

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause various illnesses. Most frequently it may cause mild or asymptomatic infections, yet it may also cause severe respiratory infections. Symptoms of the Novel Coronavirus are similar to flu (influenza) symptoms: fever, cough, short breath and other respiratory disorders. In more severe cases, coronaviruses may cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure or even result in death. 

You can access and observe current COVID-19 situation in Lithuania on the following link: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/cab84dcfe0464c2a8050a78f817924ca

Residents may consult by calling 1808 (COVID-19 hotline) or find general information on: https://koronastop.lrv.lt/en/.

Information about COVID-19 vaccination in Lithuania can be found on: https://koronastop.lrv.lt/en/vaccination.

Residents may consult by calling 1808 (COVID-19 hotline).

People who have recently returned from COVID-19 affected territories and countries are advised: 

  • Stay at home (consider self-isolation*) and monitor your health condition for the time period set at that time of your return from COVID-19 affected territories and countries;
  • For that period, employers are asked to let their employees, who have recently been to COVID-19 affected territories and countries, to perform remote work at home;
  • Otherwise, employees can address to their doctors, which may issue medical certificate of absence and also carry out the observation for the time period set at that time. 
What does self-isolation* mean? Consider the following advice:

✓ Do not leave your isolation place (stay at home)  for the time period set at that time from the date of departure from COVID-19 affected territory or country;
✓ Do not go to public places, for example, school, university, work, mass gatherings, social venues etc.;
✓ Do not accept guests at home during the isolation period;
✓ Measure the body temperature every day, monitor your health and report about your health changes (for example, if cough, short breath or respiratory disorders appear) to your doctor remotely;
✓ Ask your family members or friends (who are not applied with isolation measures) to provide food and ensure other needs. If there is no such possibility, it is recommended to order necessary groceries, medicines and other items online.

Note: avoid contact with people who deliver goods – it should be left outside for collection. 

How to protect yourself from coronavirus?

In order to reduce the spread of the disease, it is recommended to follow standard measures:

  • frequently wash hands with warm water and soap;
  • avoid touching face and eyes;
  • pay attention to cough and sneeze etiquette (coughing or sneezing into a tissue or into your elbow);
  • follow rules for safe food preparation (particularly when using uncooked meat and eggs);
  • avoid close contact with people who experience respiratory disease symptoms (for example, coughing and sneezing).